Frost Gully Woods
Frost Gully Woods is off of Durham Rd, on the right as you are driving away from Freeport Center. The entrance to Frost Gully Woods is on the left edge of Burr Cemetery. There is a small parking area at the trailhead. You have to drive down the driveway to the left of the cemetery to get to the trailhead.
Freeport Conservation Trust received a gift of 13.14 acres of conservation land from Aqua Maine, Inc. in December 2009.
This undeveloped land, located off Durham Road in Freeport, is a landlocked parcel that was owned by the Freeport water system for 118 years. It served as resource protection for the original source of the town’s public water supply. Edmund B. Mallet, Jr., a prominent Freeport businessman, started the water system in 1891 and was the owner of the land. The parcel FCT owns was once part of a much larger tract that was severed when I-295 was constructed. Aqua Maine retains the portion lying east of the highway.
This 13-acre parcel is comprised of rolling woodlands, small streams, a brook, wetlands, and a pond. Next to this land is Griffin Farm, together these two parcels protect a significant porition of the upper Frost Gully Watershed.