Harvey Brook


Closed Temporarily Due to Residential Construction



From Route 1, turn onto Old County Rd. Stay on Old County Rd for 1.5 and then turn on Granite St. Stay on Granite St. for 0.7 miles and then take a right onto Sequoia Dr. Stay on Sequoia Dr. for 0.3 and then take a left onto Young’s Lane. Take Young’s Lane all the way to the end, past the houses. At the end you should see a parking area. You can park there as the trail begins right from the parking area.


Harvey Brook is easily accessible for a wide range of ages. You cross a tiny brook using a bridge that was made by generous volunteers in June 2022. The trail is a loop with an overlook so you can see various parks of the property.

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Building the trail takes a team

Harvey Brook is a newer FCT property, meaning it took a lot of work to make it the trail it is today. Thankfully volunteers helped build a bridge, put up markers, and make a path. You can see these lovely volunteers in the photo to the right.

Thank you to our wonderful volunteers!!